December 20, 2013

  • How come the warm days, are always sunless days?
    The warmth can't get into my house without the sun. :-(

    So last night I was feeling mentally challenged...
    How come wrapping a gift is suddenly so difficult for me to figure out?  lol
    I couldn't figure out how to get the paper the direction I wanted... I didn't cut it large enough, then I couldn't figure out how to get it to fold in correctly on the ends... then my body was hurting from sitting on the floor, from bending over... Geesh.... when did life get so frustrating.  lol

    Anyway, for better or worse, the last two gifts are wrapped,
    and tonight I have my Christmas gathering with my daughter and son-in-law, since they will be going out of town on Monday for Christmas with his parents.

    Merry early  Christmas

Comments (4)

  • hahaha...not being able to get up from the floor makes you physically challenged and mentally frustrated! Have a great Christmas with you daughter and son-in-law, and congratulations on wrapping the last gifts!

  • clouds. Yes, that's the reason lately the warm days are not sunny. They block the sun, but they trap the warmth emitting from the Earth from going out into space, hence the warmer temp.

    I just mailed my first Christmas package. priority. They said it should make it there in time. Wow. That's good. Now I have to rush home and wrap and box up a few more. Usually the ones in town I deliver by hand, but for other states, I thought I was too late.

    Enjoy your get together with your daughter, whatever you do. Drive safe.

  • Merry Christmas, Lynn, enjoy the gathering this night .
    We need all of us an equilibrium with the conditiuons of temperature around us.

  • Merry Christmas to you, and your loved ones!

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