April 23, 2015

  • Happy food

    Happy food ... bacon...
    I love bacon...
    does this make me sinful?   I wonder...
    after all, God at one time forbade pork... an animal 'with
    a cloven hoof', but does not 'chew the cud'(or ruminate)
    and then Yshwe taught;

    'not that which goes into the stomach makes thee unclean,
    but that which comes out of the mouth... that makes thee
    unclean, for out of the mouth come the truths of the heart'
    [my paraphrase]  Matthew 15

    I am never quite sure how God feels about my eating pork...
    ever since I learned how disgusting pigs actually are, with what they will eat...
    but then God did allow eating goats didn't He?  ... and goats will eat pretty much anything too... but I think not carnivorous waste as pigs will.

    Is it possible God would bestow more blessings upon my life if I removed pork completely from it?  (I only indulge occasionally in this 'happy food' of mine)
    Is it possible that eating pork is a corruption to my flesh?

    Do you believe in fasting? In following the ancient laws of the Jews(dietary)?
    (those are two separate questions... I don't know if fasting is, or was, a practice of the Jews)

    Do you have what you would call 'happy foods'?
    What are your happy foods?

Comments (6)

  • I'm pretty sure pork is not an issue with God. As for fasting - it is often done as a way to focus prayerfully on those that don't have and to make us aware of more than our own comforts. My happy food includes potatoes in almost any form and bubble tea!

    • Ah, you are like my son-in-law... He could make a steady diet of potato's I think.
      I am coming to your page to ask... What is bubble tea? :-)

  • I love taters and breads!
    But don't eat much of either these days. :-)
    I also love veggies and eat a lot of them! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • I do believe in fasting, and have done so on numerous occassions.
    I am definately a potato person too, but actually there are lots of foods that make me happy. It's a wonder that I'm not twice my size.

  • I am a carb and sugar lover. Both are bad for me. As far as pork goes, I was taught that it was hard to preserve pork and cook it properly in Old Testament days, and that's why God didn't want the Israelites to eat it. Don't know if that's true or not. My husband used to say chickens would eat anything so they were dirtier than pigs. I have to admit I love bacon.

  • I love bacon too, but not as much as my downfall ~ potatoes!!

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