April 13, 2014

  • I so often wish I could capture the myriad of birdsong that I hear from my porch.
    Music to my ears.
    And at night I have frog song.
    It's what I imagine it to be like in a rain forest.
    I'm seeing squirrels this year, which is nice because last spring I didn't seem to have any.
    I don't know what happened to them.  I remember hearing foxes that summer. Do foxes catch and eat squirrels?
    Anyway, it has been a beautiful spring day here today.  Couldn't ask for better.


    So, I have not been able to come up with a poem for hijinks, but I can share a story... my one and only story. :-)

    Having only one sister, and rather stern parents,
    there weren't alot of hijinks at my house...
    even dad would get in trouble when he tried.
    Mom was not fond of nonsense and neither am I.
    The only trick I remember was the one pulled by my sister,
    when one night she crawled under my bed and waited for me to get in it...
    I was about 7 or 8...
    then she started to shake the bed,
    and when I looked over the side she popped her head out scaring me half to death.
    I don't think I've ever recovered.
    I've been afraid of things hiding under the bed ever since.

Comments (9)

  • That was a dirty trick by your sister---not nice.

    Liked your poem.

    Hope Sunday was good for you.

    Our old Ford is gone. My wife gave it to Child Evangelism Fellowship.


  • that is funny.

    I know that their are a bunch of animals that shake and eat the smaller animals but that is life isn't it.

  • I think foxes do eat squirrels, or anything else they can catch. I've only seen a few foxes in the 20+ years we've lived here.

  • I'm not sure about foxes and squirrels either, but I did find this bird song site, I listened to it this morning while I worked, it was the nicest work morning I remember in quite awhile...I do not like being scared, your sisters lucky you didn't bash her head in!

    • My sister was older and bigger. lol Of course that's what made it all the worse that she scared me... big sis's are supposed to protect you. Aggression just has never been in my nature anyway. I was always the pushover kind. I can't remember if she felt bad, or if she laughed... I think maybe both. I think the laugh was very short lived, when she saw how much she had scared me. I do think she felt bad afterwards because I don't remember her ever playing pranks on me again. I think she really was a good big sis. I idolized her.

  • Ha on the hijinks! :-D As a little kids, my older siblings did things like that to me! I still look under my bed sometimes!

    I love when the animals and birds all reappear in the Spring! :-)

    HUGS!!! :-)

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