March 29, 2014

  • sorrowful Saturday
    I am so discouraged with the world, with life.

    Why do I always forget, not to trust my sister - that she can't be trusted?  Why did
    I not just stay away, as I know is best for me?
    I am afraid I am terribly unhappy today - that I've made myself unhappy.  Why did I
    let myself call?  Why did I allow myself to re-open that box of worms?
    On top of that I feel called to go to church today, and I am unhappy because I know,
    though I need to be there, I am not going to make it.

    Now I am making the coffee that I know I shouldn't have to drink - that I know
    won't help - but I feel I need the aroma, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

    I attempt escape with a movie, but the movie is a reminder,
    a reminder of all that is wrong in this world.

    Life becomes confusing as we get older - but not for those who think only of themselves,
    care only for themselves.

    That was the synopsis of my day.  I wrote in my hand journal throughout the day.
    I am better now.

Comments (6)

  • I am sorry you are feeling down today. My single daughter and wife were very down yesterday. I sure hope you find a way to overcome this mood.

    I doubt we will go to church today since my cough, though better, is still hanging on. We did not go last Sunday and I felt that we grieved the Spirit and not much wen tight the days following--nothing major, but not peaceful if that makes sense.

    Anyway, said a prayer of you.



  • I'm sorry too. We were gone for a few days so I'm trying to catch up again. Praying you will have a good day. There are people who are closer than family sometimes and we know who is really there for us even though we mourn those who might be far away in more than distance. :-( God bless us all and someday we will see relationships mended for all of us. I believe that. There are also things that can't be fixed and we leave them with the God who knows it better than we do.

  • Sometimes a sister wants to govern . Be yourself on your own way.
    Please do not be down .

  • I'm sorry that you had such a rough day.
    Yes, sometimes a family member can truly
    bring us down, & sometimes even a close
    friend can let us down. At such times we
    can truly appreciate that "there is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
    Praying that you will have that "peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." ~ With love, hugs, & prayer ... CJ

  • I also have a sister that I love and hate at the same time.
    the relationship was the same with my mother but now mother has dementia and is easy to get along with.
    I feel for you cause I set myself up also with my sister.

  • Thanks so much to everybody for your encouragement and support. I debated putting up this post but your understanding and support has helped greatly. This is why I never want to give up my Xanga friends... they are the best !!! :-D

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