March 26, 2014

  • 4:00 am and 30 degrees
    I love the perfect stillness...
    it is not quite perfect enough...

    I can hear the faint noise of electric somewhere off in the distance

    but not a creature is stirring...
    and the stars are shining bright
    and the air is so crisp and cold.

    'Be still and know...'

Comments (8)

  • And this is in this quasi perfect stillness we can speak to God .

    • Yes, that is how I feel. I feel a tug, or a pull, as of coming into His presence. I often wonder what it must be like to be in the middle of the desert, alone with God. I would like to experience it.

  • I admire that sentiment, but I like action.

    Have a very restful, relaxing, tranquil, serene evening in the Lord's creation.

  • be still and know I am God

  • Thank you for your kind comments! I know about the feeling of wondering how it's all going to work out. The people in leadership today are like 6 year old kids, spoiled and greedy. :-( Yes, I need to be still often and let God stay in charge. It would be so much easier if I would have my head in the sand and couldn't see all the junk that's going on. I could just chill and listen to the voices in my earphones! :-) Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  • Yikes! LOL
    it's not too bad - just feels like someone has sanded my foot raw with sandpaper and not as bad as shingles pain.
    I have to look to the future and I will be able to walk to take care of my hubby who is losing bone and has an immune problem.
    He is still going strong now but there will be a day when he will be in a wheelchair and I will need to walk.

  • I love that time of the day!
    I love the quiet and dark and thinking about the sun rising soon!
    HUGS!!! :-)

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