March 20, 2014

  • cloud fighting sun


    sun breaking through clouds

    The air was bursting with birdsong today,
    and I once again played in the dirt.

    Now there is the laundry, the vacuuming, and the cooking and eating to get to.  *sigh

Comments (8)

  • Yes, spring is there!

  • Yea for Spring! :-)
    Jobs are always around.
    Just waiting for sunshine now.

  • I always feels better when the sun is out.

  • My Spring has Sprung. I am not playing in the dirt since I am treated like dirt. lol

    Glad you are feeling better.

    I am still sipping coffee at Starbucks in Monterey. My wife fed me at the Islands.

    We are going back with Pam.


  • YAY!
    Spring has sprung!
    Being outdoors, playing in the dirt, enjoying the sun on your face...waaaaay more fun than house chores! :-D
    May Frank could come do your chores?!
    Just teasing!
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • even mundane chores are better with a little sunshine...only I don't consider eating a chore =) Have a Great Weekend, I plan on digging around too!

  • I'm still unable to post, (until I pay) but I'm glad I can still read everyone's posts and catch up around here. :) I'm hearing over on Facebook that people are having trouble getting into sites to read here, now. So far I haven't had any trouble, but I hope they get that fixed soon.

    The sun won yesterday, it was 67*, and there was hope that spring had sprung ... today, it lost, and the hope of spring with it. It's in the 40's now, and overcast ... hopefully tomorrow the sun will win again, but I'm hearing that there is snow in the forecast for next week ... I don't mind the snow, but I truly think we've had enough this year!

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