Month: January 2014

  • Had to do something today, that I try not to do very often...
    Had to put on the furnace to knock out the morning chill.
    Nice bright and sunny out though, so it should stay warm the rest of the day. :-)


    Oh No!

    I just looked at the weather forecast, and it is predicted to remain this cold right through to next Thursday!!
    It's only 33 out there today and will be in the teens again tonight, tomorrow night...
    Looks like the furnace is going to get a work out this winter after all.

  • Seen on Facebook today...

    "S___L___ thinks part of the reason the world is such a crazy place
    could be the fact that the earth is bi-polar"


    I need one of those laughing smilies...

    new Xanga offers so little in options. :-(

    It's been warm today, but I guess we're going to be getting rain,
    because we've lost the sun early. :-(

  • Gosh how I'd love to go out into the desert somewhere and look up at a night sky,
    unadulterated by any artificial lights... to see the number of the stars.

    The stars stand out so brightly against the night sky lately...
    actually it is the moon and the planets that shine so brightly and so visibly.
    I don't know why they stand out so much more starkly than I've ever noticed before.

  • Wow, unexpected thunderstorms popped up.
    There's something that always seems so strange about thunderstorms in winter.

  • 'We must take what comes...'
    never was much good at that, myself
    I'm more of the, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' sort of person. 
    Never too good with accepting the unexpected. 
    Never too good at waiting to 'cross the bridges when I came to them',

    and more inclined to want to be prepared for them ahead of time.

  • I've been hearing talk of how Hilary Clinton is a shoe in for next run for president.
    I don't see how.
    I don't see how anyone could vote for her after the whole Benghazi incident.
    We live in a world gone mad.

  • I so badly wish I could have gotten a photo of the moon, with almost a double halo around it,
    and Jupiter sitting off to its upper right, on Tuesday around 3:00 am. 
    It was amazing. 
    Impossible to capture in all its glory... truly it was a gift to see it.

  • Wish I could embed these... love the references to the Twilight Zone and the Bernanke Zone...
    Have a good (but sad) laugh.  The second is really funny after having watched the first.  (Second one is shorter)

    It just gets funnier every time I watch.  (in a tragic way)

    "Is this some kind of nightmare?"  "Let me bang my head against the wall."
    "Don't do that the healthcare is too expensive."

    "Does anyone think this is a good idea?"
    "Yes, the Goldman Sacks."

    "You are shi__ing me"

    Oh my goodness.
    You have entered twilight zone 2


    Happy note:  We are supposed to get some snow flurries tonight, so I'm planning an after midnight short walk.

    [edit:  Scratch that... maybe tomorrow night, temp.'s aren't getting low enough overnight tonight]

  • "Be humbled, walk softly, down with your topsail, it is a low entry to go in at heavens gate."

    from a sermon I was listening to on the radio this morning all about arrogance.

    I Googled it.  Here is the full original quote:

    "Be humbled; walk softly. Down, down, for God's sake, my dear and worthy brother, with your topsail.
    Stoop, stoop! it is a low entry to go in at heaven's gate."
    Samuel Rutherford