October 23, 2013

  • Grateful to God for one last day of glorious sunshine and warmth before the cold that is due to arrive tonight.

    My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.   Psalm 63

    Have you ever just sat and watched the clouds?
    They can seem to be growing and then they just begin to melt away... they disappear right before your eyes.
    It must have seemed so mysterious to the ancients.
    It is mysterious to me even to this day.

    The squirrels must be worried about the change in the weather... it's the first I've heard of them all summer, and they are full of chatter today.

Comments (6)

  • I often watch the clouds! I love the sky...sun, clouds, moon, stars, etc.! It refreshes me, and brings me joy, to watch in awe and wonder!
    Yes, I think the animals sense when changes are coming!
    Or maybe the squirrels are chatting about The Nut Convention that is held in November! ;-) :-P
    Thank you for this beautiful post today!
    Carolyn :-)

  • I love clouds!
    Squirrels have been active here for seveal months. They like to run up and down the trees and hop onto my roof. They run across the phone lines and have been burying nuts in the park.

  • Sometimes in the summer I lay in the hammock and look at the sky. Sometimes the birds drop stuff on me unexpectedly too! I guess that only happened once when I was in the hammock. It's happened several times while walking under the trees. I'm sad the winter is coming but love the fall colors. Hope you have an awesome day!

  • We have buttermilk clouds this morning...all tinged with pink...I love watching too!

  • RYC Fingerless Gloves: I don't get freezing hand syndrome, but it's nice to wear the gloves just for comfort. I don't know why, but it seems like, if my hands are warm, the rest of me is warm. Besides, they are easy to make.

    The squirrels had been active here, too. My oak trees have produced so many acorns, that I think the critters will stay fed all winter! And I think they throw the acorns down on me, just like in the comics!

  • Squirrels go nuts in the Fall.

    My wife and I play a game (not that kind). We look at clouds and ask each other what it reminds us of. We do that while on long driving trips.

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